The composition view should have the previous size and pos after pressing Stop->Run in the Editor

A restart of the VuoCompositionLoader from the Editor (Buttons: 1.Stop, 2.Run)
should show the window with the same size and at the same position as it was before.

I’ve opened this feature request for voting.

Same, but really far more important for exported apps

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Most of the things I make in Vuo are little helper apps for other software to use. e.g bridges between DAW record state and IFTTT home automation. Face tracking to send OSC to video servers.OSC translators to sync lighting boards and audio playback software etc.

Every app I’ve made, the first request from the user is always, “Can you make it so it opens in the same place as when I closed it like every other Mac app.” It’s a real pain having to add all the nodes necessary to achieve this and it is really spoiling my enjoyment of the product.

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Every app I’ve made, the first request from the user is always, “Can you make it so it opens in the same place as when I closed it like every other Mac app.” It’s a real pain having to add all the nodes necessary to achieve this and it is really spoiling my enjoyment of the product.

this says it all.

Will it remember for stop, run, restart actions, or also each time the Vuo composition will be reopened ?