Ability to create composition-local subcompositions

[@jersmi] Wondering if this will include anything like Kineme Spooky Send/Receive…

No. I think that’s covered by another feature request, Super cables.

[@useful_design] So have you already implemented global, local and group sub-comps/nodes…

We have not yet implemented the feature request Option to edit sub-composition without affecting other instance.

We have implemented the “global” and “local” levels.

  • If a subcomposition is installed in ~/Library/Application Support/Vuo/Modules or /Library/Application Support/Vuo/Modules, then all compositions can use the subcomposition and all compositions see any changes to it. — same behavior as now
  • If a subcomposition is placed in a Modules folder next to a composition, then only that composition can see the subcomposition. Other versions of the subcomposition can be placed in Modules folders elsewhere in the filesystem and are not affected by the changes to the first one. — new behavior
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Thanks @jstrecker Vuo 1.3 is going to be a mammoth release by the looks of it.

Please consider ‘macros’ or Group Nodes as a high priority for composition tidiness, and I suspect for Editor run time performance too? To my way of coding it’s as important for legibility and coder comfort level as the canvas notes (which will be coming in 1.3 I believe, exciting!).

On the Modules folder, would all Vuo compositions in any given folder share access to the Modules folder? In one sense this is a feature (shared non-global scoping of sub-comps) in another way it’s a kinda a potential liability: each Vuo comp (including version saves which is how many of us save our work) with sub-comps would require its own parent folder to maintain single Vuo file scope for the sub compositions.

Team Vuo have probably thought it all through better than me, but that did occur to me as a potential issue. I guess it’s better than embedding the sub-comp file in the Vuo file though which was how I kinda assumed it would work.

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… embedding the sub-comp file in the Vuo file though which was how I kinda assumed it would work.

Thought that would be the case too.

Especially after Jaymie’s comment Another piece — “select a bunch of pre-connected nodes, right-click them into a macro and all publishing and cable connections are done for you” — doesn’t have a public feature request, but we’re already working on it and are planning to release it in Vuo 1.3.

I should perhaps read all the comments on all topics related to sub-compositions again but I wonder what the benefits are or why the Team decided to have sub-compositions saved in a modules folder next to the composition rather then just being saved inside the same Vuo code file … Maybe there are benefits but at first glance it looks like extra hassle no ?

EDIT : Oups sorry it seems I thought I was commenting on the simple group nodes into a macro feature request Option to edit subcomposition without affecting other instances — Group nodes just for organization, not for adding to Node Library for which I didn’t understand what the purpose would have been for the sub-compositions to be saved beside the main vuo file (I guess simple group nodes sub-compositions will be saved inside the main file itself). Sorry, may delete my comment.  

Resolved in Vuo 2.0 beta.