Deploy compositions as Linux apps (including Raspberry Pi)

The main 2 reasons for me now to stick with VUO are mainly twofold:

  • because of all you have done for the QC community (Kineme i.e.)
  • and this feature request (Raspbian & Ubuntu specifically for obvious reasons)

Why? I recently dived into TouchDesigner and decided, that this will be my weapon of choice for the coming year. Unless I’ve overlooked something crucial, then I would like someone to point that out to me. Thanks in advance & big thumbs up to the live visuals community, including of course Team VUO.  

yes - this would be awesome.
a seriously big deal (for me)- opening up huge possibilities in the world of remote kiosks and signage applications

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This would be the most helpful feature in terms of deployment and using this in situations and art installations! Would open up a lot of opportunities!

Yes, please!

This would single-handedly enable several business ideas I have. It would be great for deploying as kiosks, museum installations, etc, and the ability to address GPIO pins would be insane.

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Would it be possible to get an estimate of the resources required to execute on this in a dollar value and some of us could possibly fund raise on a kickstarter type of platform for it?

I’ve come up with a concept I’d only be able to deploy on cheap devices like Raspberry Pi, not $1k Mac minis. I’m quite keen to see this happen from a personal perspective, but even more so for expanding the Vuo community and it’s reach as any other reason. The sooner the Vuo community grows to be able to afford full-time developers working on core product features requests and UI improvements the sooner Vuo really takes off I think. It’s getting close IMHO to having that ‘killer-app’ user base, even if the last decade has flown by.

Then again maybe being the highest polling feature today it’s on the roadmap for 2022 already? Even If it is (almost) on the implementation roadmap, we can hurry it along with funds that would be worth it in my view. We could also set some stretch goals like the GPIO pin access @bn86 asked for, and other add-ons for working with interesting 3rd party input and output devices.  


Totally agree. I would also be happy to help fund this.

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I gave up on this feature request many years ago and have instead opted for using something like OSC or MQTT as a messaging bus to control something that runs natively on different platforms. As much as I would love to see Vuo expand in this direction, I have little faith in believing that this work would actually be implemented, unfortunately.  

I think it’s important to keep the conversation going. If you could run Vuo apps on Linux this would help ensure the framework keeps alive and the user base would undoubtably expand. Nothing wrong with chasing as it lets the dev team know there’s interest in the idea.

using something like OSC or MQTT as a messaging bus to control something that runs natively on different platforms

For the people who know how to create and maintain such systems, I’m sure that would work well. But I thought the target audience of Vuo was supposed to be artists and non-programmers.

Sure, and I didn’t suggest it as a solution for new beginners. I only mentioned it as my solution for my use case.

At least a 9th of the vote submitted for this have been from me. I wholeheartedly support this feature, but I’m also a realist. If they don’t have the resources to implement this then it should be deprioritized.


I don’t see Vuo as an ‘artists’ tool but it is accessible for people with limited coding knowledge and that’s why it’s worth supporting. What Matt (@mattgolsen) was describing was a common workaround for bridging platforms, sharing data and connecting apps… something a lot of artists would be interested in. Personally I use Vuo in quite a simple way to help support my VDMX projects for plugins, FX and media sources. Other people build complex applications, that’s the great thing about this type of framework. I’m supporting this feature as I see it as a a way to expand my installation work and to accelerate Vuo as a viable platform for new users.

I still like the idea of being able to use a RPi in certain types of Vuo projects. I think having a clear understanding of what performance we could even expect from such a low powered device and knowing what nodes would not be compatible could also be helpful. For me, something like the “Receive NDI Video” node running on a Pi would be an amazing addition and I can think of all kinds of uses for that especially if it’s efficient enough to have room for additional functionality.

People have already managed to get NDI at 720p (and 1080p kind of) running on a RPi so there is potential there.

Agreed. For a non-coder like me, the idea that I can create a standalone app with Vuo in a few clicks is incredible, but many situations demand something like a pi for the project to be viable.

Maybe what I need is dedicated “show control” hardware, but I kinda wanted Vuo to be part of the solution.

Plan for next releases and further details on Plan for cross-platform support explain where this fits into the roadmap. (Since that time, we’ve released Vuo 2.4.0 and started incremental work toward Linux support as planned.)


Safe to say while work will begin on this FR soonish, a release for the finished FR is a couple of years away at best (correct me @jstrecker if that’s a bad read). Would funding help or does it not pay to mess with the roadmap timeline, because of co-dependencies of the new good things coming to Vuo, @jstrecker? Obviously Metal support in an abstracted graphics layer is much more important, and probably a necessary first step for export to Linux compiled app. So is lists in lists and recursion IMHO, and probably several others. I just love the idea of opening up new business opportunities for Vuo. (of course I’m speculating on what that might be!).