Draw in Space like Google Tilt Brush?

Good point, and I see how expressing interest in 2D creates this line of thought. I guess I’ve been expecting at some point to modulate z-depth in some manner, gently or otherwise, at least with the Draw in Space model. Mentioning paradox nodes being able to do some culling operations, some things might fail with current tools, not sure yet.

2D here for me is in some ways just coming to grips with how to control mesh generation. A 2D offset curve has some specific problems, shape curves and what not, thought it worthy to sort out then see where to go next. The idea has been to capitalize on how Draw in Space draws to the 2D screen space, then on mouse up (or whatever), when the mesh is “released” to travel into 3D space there’s a second opportunity to trigger a (one-shot?) “animation” for the mesh – for example, draw a flat/2D thing then on mouse up it might warp and twist in 3D as it turns within the sphere space.  

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quad queue.vuo (10.3 KB)

Sigh? Another great example, totally appreciate all the variations on the ribbon… when I have time I’ll try to start dropping some of these into Draw in Space, with its limitations.  

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Well, “sigh” mainly because of that little gap in the texture :-) …I think it may be unavoidable with the basic method.

(edit: oh no, I just realized that since my post was after yours it could be misconstrued as a sigh about your post. Far from it!!! Sorry for any mix up of intent caused by that.)

You can adjust the amount of mouse positions in the queue that are then use to create start and end points. It can get rid of that gap but it will create some other side effects.

Maybe there is a really obvious way to get rid of that gap that hasn’t crossed my mind yet, since I just got that basic thing going.  

I couldn’t figure out a way to control face culling of the layers. I noticed there was a way to convert it to an object in the parabox node set…worth considering having either/or be part of the functionality of the layer engine.

That’s the reason for two quad queues.

If a layer point order is backwards x or y, I would expect to see the image flip, not for there to be nothing. If seeing nothing is the default…maybe there is a way to enable rear face rendering that I just don’t see in the node list at the moment.

Another thing…I get turned around with certain objects not having a zero. So, that stuff can be worth double checking in my compositions.  

Disabling multisampling gets rid of the gaps between quads, except once in a blue moon.

Now, the whole line weight on the vertical strokes is something I have some ideas about but haven’t put much attention towards yet. I was never super concerned because it gives it a kind of calligraphy look that I usually find desirable.  

quad queue multisampling off.vuo (10.3 KB)

Ah, multisampling. Well, I guess if multisampling is desired, could use this fix I put together with X offset/overlap.

Also here – not working – is the method I have for 2D offset. Not sure what to do with this at present. This quad method really shows the problems. Maybe could try to have current+next quad share an edge? Yeah, I like the calligraphy look, too, it’s the go to primary tool in the arsenal. Classic QC javascript mouse ribbon.


quad queue gap fix.vuo (24.4 KB)

quad queue 2Doffset.vuo (14.8 KB)