Error in the manual (page 14 – 4.1.2 Output ports

Steps causing the bug to occur

I think that there is an error on the manual on page 14. The green texts with arrows should be opposite, I think? See the picture.

EDIT: Actually no, the text on the right is correct. The text on the left should point to the image output port, not to the done port.

How did the result differ from what you expected?

Other notes

  • Vuo version: 0.7.0
  • macOS version: macOS

Screenshot 2014-05-22 19.39.01.png

Ah, no. Sorry I was wrong. The second port is just an event port, but there is still an error. The green text and arrow should be pointing on the Image port. Not on the done port.

Eep, you’re right, that’s wrong. We’ll get that fixed. Thanks!

Fixed in Vuo 0.8.0’s manual.