
Can’t think what the glitching could be, the comp is running ~60fps at 1024x768 here. In this version the Fog precomp uses 6 image blends, gray scale color controls and a Mask Image by Brightness. Perhaps try some reconfiguring for optimization? It’s all about the depth image…

Couple unrelated things:

I noticed some haloing with multisampling set to 4x or 8x. Keeping it at 2x or none reduces this.

Couple questions regarding the output from Render Scene to Image:

I have color depth set to 8bpc, but it reports 16bpc. ?

I have multisampling set to 2x but it says @1x. ?

Screen Shot 2021-10-21 at 12.55.11 PM.png

Then one more question – can I edit the precomp module in a text editor without breaking anything to reduce the number blend modes in the pulldown of Blend Images? That is, there are only a handful of blending modes that do well for this, I’d like to clean up the module.