Lists within lists

Another question for @teamvuo / @jstrecker, will Lists of List automatically allow Lists of Lists of Lists, simply because it’s a recursive approach to lists, or would that require extra coding? I note that recursion is included in @alexmitchellmus’s FR, so assuming it’s included unless we hear otherwise.  


Lists in Vuo currently have to be homogenous (AFAIK)? So this will apply to lists of lists too right, all elements in any list of lists will be of the same (predefined elsewhere) datatype?


Most XML files have heterogeneous datatypes in them (often serialised as strings), so will need to be parsed outside of any list of lists to get say, real numbers from the data right?

Vuo’s existing Tree data type and related nodes handle that.

Will Lists of List automatically allow Lists of Lists of Lists?

That’s the plan.  

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wishing for this today…

not sure how the tool tips /floating data previews are going to cope with lists of lists without a code write to give lists of lists more screen space.

lists of heterogeneous data for generating 3D objects like point clouds, triangle families etc is a pretty approach in QC. eg 3D points along with their RGBA colour per node, real value for size etc etc.

Be good to start thinking how this can eventually be accommodated in lists and lists or lists, rather than mapping it to a JSON tree. I guess that is going to make for problems with general nodes being able to accept lists on value input ports, but maybe Vuo editor just blocks complex type lists (for e.g. of type [(3D point, RGBAcolor, size value as a Real)] ) and only allows lists of the relevant data type(s) for any given input port. An advanced editor might let the user insert a conversion node the same way a 3D point gets converted to a 1D point where appropriate ATM.