Mobile website browsing glitches

Steps causing the bug to occur

Hi guys ;)

When mobile browsing on both iOS (4" screen) and Windows Phone (4,5" screen) I’m experiencing some website glitches and bugs.

1# - The last noticed is some menu bug.

When Mobile browsing on both platforms, there is this “main menu” menu button that is highlighted. Other submenus are available from iOS but not on WP. Touch clicking the menus doesn’t return any action (however, Windows Phone has a small % of mobile market sales so …).

But on both platforms they don’t visually show well (see screenshots).

2# - There is a difference in the rendering width of the menu and the container elements. Therefore the menu often is smaller.

3# - In topics, the text (and quoted replies) often meet and cross the “Log in or register to post comments” text.

4# - The User Profile pictures resize as rectangles instead of squares (when browsing profiles).

Most of the glitches are only visual, but I can Imagine #1 could affect the functional browsing experience too.

Don’t know on larger mobile screens though, may be isolated to smaller screens.

How did the result differ from what you expected?

Have you found a workaround?

WP Menus.jpg


Site Width VS Container Elements A.PNG

Site Width VS Container Elements B.PNG

Crossed Text.PNG

Rectangle User Picture.PNG

At last the quotes are tabulated, what can lead to very few letters/words and therefore long page scrolls. Don’t know what one could do with that however. Big tabulations will always produce this.


There also seems to be these user pictures rendered as very small rectangles in the Discussions page when browsing NON mobile (this time) on a 13" screen for me.


Above I said I tested mobile browsing only on 4" and 4,5" but I just tried to manually size down the OS X Safari window until the site layout adapted to mobile responsive and things look the same. So I can imagine these on the iPad mini too.

Some screenshots

Thanks for reporting, @Bodysoulspirit. Scheduled for work.

@Bodysoulspirit, we’ve made several fixes to the website that should cover all the problems you reported.