Offline Export Movie Bugs in Image Generator Mode for some compositions

Steps causing the bug to occur

I encounter some things with some compositions on the Mac (doesn’t happen for all compositions, joining one that does and some screencasts) (hope it’s not only my GPU :(, it’s the built-in one, did not change a thing).

Launch the composition, runs at 60 fps.

1 - Export Movie, I get an extra long Compiling time for a quite simple composition.

2 - I get a never ending Exporting Frame 1 / 0 % dialog.

3 - Cancel the export movie and try stopping the composition, spins endlessly, doesn’t quit, so you have to force quit the composition window.
When done, if I try to close the canvas, doesn’t close neither, I have to force quit Vuo.

4 - Same thing when composition is not running (real offline).

MBP 13" 2011
2,3 Intel Core i5
4gb DDR3
GPU : Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 Mo

Have you found a workaround?


Other notes

  • Vuo version: 1.2.1
  • macOS version: OS X 10.11
  • How severely does this bug affect you? It’s annoying but I can work around it.

Composition + (23.4 MB)

We haven’t yet been able to reproduce this one. Do you see any messages in Console?

I do see things in the console (damn I never opened the console before, quite amazing how many stuff there, I mean apart from that Vuo bug, other softs etc).

I get some error when trying to export it (screenshots A & B). The funny thing is it talks about an outdated STV particle node, but all of the nodes in the composition are stock nodes !?

Then I get some error when cancelling the movie export (text C).

And another, when I force quit Vuo (text D, from the "would you like to send it to apple export dialog).

Hope you can see it, tell me if you want the report in another formats. (333 KB)

Thanks for the screenshots!

Looks like one of the console messages indicates the problem: “kernel: The graphics driver has detected a corruption in its command stream.” Your crash report confirms that it’s crashing inside the Intel HD 3000 (GPU) driver.

We tested on a system that has a similar graphics card and amount of graphics memory, and were able to reproduce the crash. The composition exported fine at 1280x720 with 2x antialiasing, but crashed with 4x antialiasing.

It might be hitting some (unwritten) memory limit. We’ve seen from other crashes exporting video that GPUs can’t actually use all of their memory for exporting. The limit seems to vary from one machine to another, and even from one export attempt to another on the same machine. We had set a threshold of 85% VRAM; if it would take more than that to export a movie, Vuo would show a “not enough memory” dialog. It looks like the threshold needs to be even lower for Intel HD 3000 to avoid crashing.

The funny thing is it talks about an outdated STV particle node, but all of the nodes in the composition are stock nodes !?

“Couldn’t parse vuoDetails for ‘stv.GenParticleEmitterL’” is harmless. It comes up because that node is in your Modules folder and there’s a minor issue in its implementation, which I think doesn’t even have any effect in practice.


Thanks. As it varies so much between the hardware perhaps the default max. memory use could be 85% and to have the ability to increase (for high end hardware or decrease) that in the preferences ?

If possible it is perhaps better to do this rather then lowing it for all GPU’s no ?

Vuo would show a “not enough memory” dialog

Is that already implemented or you mean it will ? Never had that dialog.

“Couldn’t parse vuoDetails for ‘stv.GenParticleEmitterL’” is harmless. It comes up because that node is in your Modules folder and there’s a minor issue in its implementation, which I think doesn’t even have any effect in practice.

Ok thanks ;)

Rather than just lowering the % memory usage at which it pops up a warning, we modified the calculation in a way that should work better for lower-VRAM systems without penalizing higher-VRAM systems. Based on experimentation, a formula of available VRAM = (total VRAM - 85MB) * 0.9 seems to work well.

The “not enough memory” dialog is already implemented. You should see it in Vuo 1.2.1 if you try to export a movie with a ludicrously high resolution.

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Fixed in Vuo 1.2.2.