Sharing exhibition experience

Nice! Thanks for sharing!

A simple example are all the maths nodes, there are so many of them, that are all unnecessary given the calculate node.

That’s a good point, and I’m trying (unsuccessfully at the moment) to remember if there was as specific motivation for doing it that way or if it was mainly because theCalculate node was not added until after the single-function math nodes. The Calculate node might be a tiny bit slower since it has to parse the mathematical expression, but I don’t think anyone has measured to see if the difference is ever perceptible.

There are lots of other examples of nodes that I feel could be combined or generalised more resulting in a simpler search and interface.

The ones I’m aware of are variations with different numbers of ports, like Select Latest (2) and Select Latest (8), which are planned be fixed with Select and OSC nodes with variable number of ports. Did you have other examples in mind?

Discussions like this seem to only allow 4 file uploads. More I could share but can’t. :-)

That’s odd, there’s no limit set. If you edit the post, can you add more files? If not, maybe we’d be able to figure out the problem if you could provide a screenshot, and in the meantime you’d be welcome to put more files in comments.