Simple Keystone Node

simple keystone node

Sure, that would be doable. The reason the Make Quad Layer node outputs a layer instead of an image is that it’s more efficient (both for building the composition and for performance when running it) when combining multiple pieces into one final image.

However, for the case where there’s only one piece, we could add a node something like this:

  • Inputs:
    • image
    • verticalKeystone: -1 (biased to bottom) to 0 (square) to 1 (biased to top)
    • horizontalKeystone: -1 (biased to left) to 0 (square) to 1 (biased to right)
  • outputs:
    • keystonedImage

Also there isn’t any node to crop/mask shapes from the image (ie diagonal lines across the image).

@video_piglet, could you explain what you mean about cropping diagonal lines?