Skeletal tracking with NiMate by Michele Cremaschi

Quick question for @cremaschi. Have you attempted this with Ni Mate 2.09? I can’t seem to locate a place to import the .config file in Ni Mate 2.09.

NiMate 2 loading config unfortunately is a pro feature and requires a licence.
You can recreate the settings I used in NiMate1, here is a screenshot, should be nothing other than choosing a “basic” OSC format.  

@cremaschi Thank you very much for the information. I was able to get it all working as expected. Adding particles to the skeleton is tons of fun.

Hi @cremaschi – the screenshot for the NI Mate settings (just testing on a free version first) isn’t showing here anymore… any chance you could re-upload it?


here it is, directly from my backup




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Thanks a lot Michele!