Toggler Question

Hi Guys,

I’m actually trying to shuffle 2 layer’s colors, but alternating (square 1 first, then square 2 …)
Been looking the “event” and “select” samples but I was trying an easier way of doing. Using the toggler.

The Composition 1 would shuffle between 2 colors, where composition 2 is trying to pickup curve determined color.

None of these are working :( Is it because the toggler outputs 0-1 and the input selector has option 1-2 ? Or have I forgotten smtg else ?

Thanks for any help out there :)

Composition - 1.vuo (3.76 KB)

Composition - 2.vuo (4.2 KB)

Is it because the toggler outputs 0-1 and the input selector has option 1-2 ?

Yes, that’s it. Well, technically, the Toggle node outputs a Boolean, which gets converted to integers 0 or 1. But nodes that select from a list (like the other Select Input nodes) expect integers starting at 1.

In the Node Library, you’ll find a node called Select Input (Boolean). The (Boolean) is the key — it accepts a Boolean as input, so you don’t need to convert to integer and add 1 to it.

I’ve attached a modified version of your Composition - 1.vuo to use Select Input (Boolean). Now the red/cyan boxes change color every second.  

Composition - 1 - boolean.vuo (3.3 KB)

Thanks a lot Smokris !
