User interface (UI) node set — buttons, sliders, text/number boxes, menus

@bLackburst and @Chris when a websocket plugin was made available for QC i had an low-latency interface with a self hosted (same Mac) GUI that was used to drive giant video screens in front of audiences of 100,000+ people. I built the GUI i wanted with drop down lists etc and push button preview and live states in a few hours. If you want to be dismissive of such solutions, bLackburst then i think that’s more on you than anything else. I’m only suggesting that this is a low-effort implementation for Team Vuo, given that they seem to be running into significant hurdles on the UI element nodes.

@Chris I can understand why you want stock VUO tools to do it. It’s a shame it’s so hard to make them using Vuo itself (I haven’t ever tried but I’d have thought someone would have by now b/c they are so essential for production tools if you aren’t using VDMX or similar). Many people made such things for QC over the journey. I made an advanced GUI inside QC using JS and it had 30 or so buttons and several modes of operation, flashing LED animations when moving between modes and two digital readouts for numbers (it wasn’t any improvement on latency than Websocket though).

There’s a VUO node for loading an HTML page that could be embedded in your app. VUO may even get an HTML server node one day since Kineme built one for QC, in which case it could be all bundled inside the app.