Visual Electronic Music Tuner - Little Help?

Wow that’s an interesting idea Unicode! Thanks. I just reworked your composition quickly to be connected to make use of the built-in mic on my MacBook and while it isn’t displaying the correct frequency I’m playing off my tone generator it IS displaying a fairly stable reading so I think it could be tuned to display the correct reading with some calibrating!

I will admit I didn’t get much farther in this project as one of my kids ended up being a close to a musical genius with the clarinet and caught up the the class in only 3-4 weeks worth of classes and my other one is doing alright with the trumpet as well, so the urgency of the project kind of fell away. It is however still an interesting idea so I may keep working on it using your idea. Thanks so much!

PitchDetector (using Mic).vuo (7.46 KB)

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