Voice Command Node

We checked out the Apple framework that interfaces with Siri, SiriKit.

The documentation describes a limitation that I want to make sure you’re aware of, which is that SiriKit can only be used for certain specified topics: VoIP calling, Messaging, Payments, Photo, Workouts, Ride booking, Restaurant reservations (Maps only), CarPlay (automotive vendors only).

And, just to let you know, the process for integrating SiriKit with a composition / exported app, as described in the documentation, would be onerous. Unlike a typical framework that is just dropped in when compiling/linking the composition, this one requires significant changes to the compiling/linking process. So this would not be a simple 1-dot-complexity feature request. (An alternative voice recognition technology, OS X Dictation, probably would be 1-dot.)

So, what do you think? Could you maybe describe what you hope to do with this node?