3D Fractal Triangle

make 3d fractal(sierpinski gasket) from triangle list(VuoPoint3d list).

stv.Gen3DFractalTriangle1.zip (1.39 MB)

stv.Gen3DFractalTriangle1.zip (13.2 MB)


hi there! is there any way to add texture shader to the triangles? i have already tried to feed ti via “shade with image” node but not with any luck there.
any advice would be appreciated, thanks!

@kozistan nope I can’t neither.

Guess this has to do with the Textures and Elements and all the technical subparts of 3D objects and meshes.

The built-in Make 3D Triangle allows all shaders though.

Sorry couldn’t help more here.

It’s possible to use Shade with Unlit Color on the triangles, but it doesn’t work to shade with lit color or lit/unlit image. The problem is that the stv Mesh Triangle node doesn’t output all the information that Make 3D Object needs in order to apply shaders. Since the output mesh lacks texture coordinates, shading with image doesn’t work because there’s no information about how to map the image onto the triangles. Since the output mesh lacks normals, shading with lighting doesn’t work because there’s no information to calculate the angle at which the light strikes the triangles.