Ability to add info for sub-comps that appears in the Node Library when node is selected.

I guess to have info in the Node Library about your node it needs to be a fully compiled Vuo node. Would be good if sub-compositions could have explanatory text and links to example compositions. This would especially benefit the sharing of sub-comps in the Vuo community. Sometimes it’s important to list gotcha’s and limitations of a sub composition’s functionality and the Node Library documentation seems like the obvious place to do it.

This would require that sub-comp contain a text field that could use MarkDown for the node documentation and links.

Pretty much what you describe already exists under Edit > Composition Information. Maybe take a look at that and see if you want to create any specific feature requests for additions? I’ll go ahead and close this one.

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Yes thanks, Jaymie. That’s all I was after. I should have liked harder for it, I had a vague recollection it existed somewhere.