Ability to create nodes using JavaScript


I think when we get editing c nodes in Vuo this feature may not be the highest of priorities. In many ways c is much easier than JavaScript and much more powerful. Also the benifit of a JIT language would be lost in a node anyway as compared to a compiled in demand node.

Obviously web design uses JS for good reason - but personally apart from QC’s JS node I don’t see a great need.

Also if a true “real-time” non-compiled language is needed - then there is always OpenCL which runs uncompiled c on the gpu super fast.

I take this back a bit- it would be super cool to code an app in vuo to allow typeable JavaScript to execute! And very useful! One could even use it to load scripts on the fly to control different things in the composition / app! I like it.

This would be awesome for the community. I think more people know javascript than ruby or c, it’s way faster than ruby, and three.js has a huge community.

Check out no-flo / flowhub as prior examples of flow-based programming in javascript.