Allow shortcut ⌘R to relaunch already running compositions

Currently we can Run a composition by pressing ⌘R, and stop the composition by pressing ⌘.

I would like to be able to quickly relaunch a composition by either using ⌘R when a composition is running, or a new keyboard shortcut.

Opened for voting.

Agreed, and even better would be the ability to do this within an application when run via the Vuo Editor, being careful not to override composer-implemented keyboard controls, should they overlap with said shortcut.

@Pianomatic, sounds good. Since the original feature request would be pretty quick to implement and what you’re suggesting would take longer, I’ve put it on a separate feature request: Composition shortcut key to relaunch self when run from Vuo Editor.

In Vuo 1.2.5 we added a Run > Restart menu item with shortcut ⇧⌘R.