Analog image distortion node doesn't work with VDMX.

Hi everyone!

I just shared a new audio-reactive composition called Data Glitch
After making many tests I realized that if I use the Analog image distortion node, the composition
does not work with VDMX as a Vuo composition neither as a Vuo FFGL plugin.

I think Analog Image distortion is a great node, it would be great if it works with VDMX.
Please check this composition and share your feedback. Thanks for reading this post.

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Not a VDMX user, but because the analog node was added in the latest Vuo version, it might be this : Vuo x VDMX: Update to latest framework ?


Yes it is this, I’m currently using Vuo 2.0.3 with VDMX so can’t use the new nodes sadly.

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I sent a video to the Facebook VDMX user group about the problem. Also, I will send a mail to VDMX. Hope it will be solved soon.  

Loading as a Vuo composition won’t work until VDMX is updated, but loading as an FFGL plugin should work. The reason the Data Glitch FFGL fails is that the output image is a different size than the input image. On your Resize Image node, just change Sizing Mode from Proportional to any of the other options (StretchFit/Fill).


Thank you @jstrecker. I fixed it and it works perfectly! New comps are on the way.
Have a nice day!

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