Audio.Wave not accepting Motion.Wave real data at audio control rate

Steps causing the bug to occur

  • Create an audio composition with audio.wave and a motion.wave
  • Feed the “requested channel” into the motion.wave time
  • Feed the output of motion.wave into audio.wave frequency (with an appropriate number etc)
  • No sound comes out of audio.wave
  • Disconnect and sound comes out
  • Use a audio.loudness to feed motion.wave connected same way to “requested channel” from audio
  • audio.loudness is able to generate sound fine

How did the result differ from what you expected?

I expected audio.wave to accept the real value at audio control rate and generate audio waveform

Have you found a workaround?

I can plug the time from window into the motion.wave which works for all. However this is running at a different control rate- and I see no difference between the data except for the control rate. Also audio.loudness functions fine with using audio control rate motion.wave

Other notes

  • Vuo version: 1.2.0
  • macOS version: OS X 10.9

In attached please play with connecting and disconnecting the motion.wave output to audio.wave while running. You can clearly see that there is no sound when connected.

Audio Wave (1.75 KB)

Screen Shot 2016-01-04 at 8.27.46 pm.png

Confirmed. We’ll try to get that fixed. It’s a Make Audio Wave implementation detail — currently that node only outputs a sample buffer if you refrain from sending the same event into its Refresh and Frequency ports.

I can plug the time from window into the motion.wave which works for all. However this is running at a different control rate

If you want audio-buffer-rate control signals, another workaround is to use Spin Off EventHold ValueMake Audio Wave, like in the attached composition — then you are sending a different event into the Frequency port, so the node successfully generates a sample buffer for the events to its refresh port.  

Audio Wave Issue + Spin Off Event.vuo (6.5 KB)

Would you be able to elaborate Steve if it’s unique to or a Gamma implementation problem? That’s to say any current gamma nodes will experience this issue without correction - or there is simply a bug in

Vuo 1.2.4 added a Calculate Samples input port to Make Audio Wave. The problem was that the node handled events into certain combinations of ports in a strange way. With the new port it should be less confusing.