Barcode Reader Crashes Composition Loader with type PDF 417 Barcodes

Steps causing the bug to occur

  1. Launch the FindBarcodeInSyphonImage.vuo example composition
  2. Scan a type PDF417 Barcode - here are a few on google images:
  3. You should see the text from the barcode displayed for a moment before the application crashes

How did the result differ from what you expected?

Other barcode types like datamatrix seem to work fine.

Other notes

  • Vuo version: 1.1.1
  • macOS version: OS X 10.9

stacktrack.txt (65.2 KB)

I was able to reproduce the crash with the attached composition FindBarcodeInMovingPDF417.vuo and image PDF417-3.png (from PDF417 - Wikipedia).

Interestingly, the crash did not happen with the attached composition FindBarcodeInPDF417.vuo or with images PDF417-1.png (from and PDF417-2.png (from decode - Decoding USPS PDF417 2D Barcode? - Stack Overflow).

The crash happens both in Vuo 1.1.1 and in Vuo 1.2.0 alpha 3. (I haven’t tested earlier versions.)

FindBarcodeInMovingPDF417.vuo (4.15 KB)

FindBarcodeInPDF417.vuo (3.03 KB)



Yes, I noticed it only crashes after recognizing a barcode in a moving image, not from a static image source.
I think the crash is happening because the error handling in zxing is choking on the moving image. I noticed that it does not crash if I use the ‘barcode’ event to stop the image feed (ie, once it recognizes the barcode, it stops processing the image).

Fixed in Vuo 1.2.0.