Be able to store per-instance data in FxPlugs

A way to set a input port (and so plugin parameter) to a specific value in FxPlug projects. This would be super usefull to save variables (cache token, plugin state, etc…)

This would probably make the plugin to rerender which would be an amazing feature too.

Currently you can use the Fetch Data and Save Data nodes and have them read/write a file in ~/Library/Application Support/<app name>/ or ~/Library/Caches/<app name>/.

Would you be open to a similar approach to implement this feature? Instead of the values coming in through the published input ports (which could be a bit tricky to fit in with how Vuo works), perhaps there could be a node vaguely similar to Record and Play Values but designed for easily loading and saving variables/settings/state?


Through either an output port or a node, both would be amazing.

For FxPlugs, since several instances of the same plugin can be call on different clips, the best way to save variables without conflicts is through paramaters value. Since we can already read the parameters value in the input port, I was thinking maybe it would also be possible to set parameters value (to save data like int, float, string).

Here is Apple documentation about it: FxParameterSettingAPI_v5 | Apple Developer Documentation
I’m pretty sure they advise plugin developers to save their data through parameters.

This would let Final Cut Pro handle the variables and so make plugins much more robust.
I don’t know how much work this would represent for something only useful for FxPlugs.

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OK, that makes sense. This feature request is open for voting.