Bounce, Elastic and Back Easing Functions

Wouldn’t it be cool to add “Bounce”, “Elastic” and “Back” easing functions to the Smooth, Wave and interpolation patches ?

We see them everywhere on every smartphone App nowadays !

I personally prefer the Elastic_Out one :)

Hi, @bodysoulspirit. Vuo already has a Smooth with Spring node which provides bounce/elastic/back ease-out curves. Check out the example composition vuo.motion > Spring Back.

Does that provide what you need?

Thanks @Smokris,

Ok, sorry I didn’t see this composition. I had checked the compare easing curves and some others but not this one.

Just opened it and it’s definitely some elastic-out easing thing. Haven’t checked it really deep yet but I think we can go with that for now !

Please eventually keep this request pending until I have more time to learn about that Spring Node !

Thanks again ;)

Guess this feature request can be merged for now. Smooth with spring ok for now ;)

Guess this feature request can be merged for now. Smooth with spring ok for now ;)
