built in camera?

Is there a node for getting the built in camera yet?

The built-in camera is exactly the same as the Make Perspective Camera node (with default parameters).

Sorry smokris, I should have been more specific, I meant mechanical camera - as in the one hooked to my laptop, iSight, FaceTime, whatever they’re calling it.

Oh! Ha. No, there isn’t a node to capture video from MacBook cameras yet. That’s currently planned as part of “Node set for QuickTime video capture” coming in 0.9.0 in a few months.

Hey cool! It’s not the biggest issue in the world because of the Syphon feature, but just looking at things that could help cut the cord from using QC (for me at least).

It’s been a while since I looked, but it may wind up that AVFoundation makes more sense to support/use than Quicktime - or not, not 100% sure, but may be worth investigating. I know I ran into a couple things where I had to go ahead and use AVFoundation within the last year or so.

@George_Toledo: AVFoundation is only available on Mac OS 10.7 and later. For now, Vuo still supports 10.6 (since much of the Vuo community is still running 10.6), so AVFoundation isn’t an option yet.