Capture other applications' output

A high performance screen grab node.
Normal application is to capture a region of the screen to use as an image, similar to this
v002 Screen Capture 2.0.2 | v002
Useful for grabbing output of other programs.
I used it in the past to send subsequent images through Syphon to other machines for their Vuo (QC) processing.
Prepared to fund this.

It looks like there are 2 main high-performance ways of capturing the screen: one that works on Mac OS 10.6 and earlier (reading from a fullscreen OpenGL context), and one that works on 10.7 and later (AVCaptureScreenInput).

Will you need Mac OS 10.6 support? (Since it would essentially mean a second implementation, that would affect the estimate for this feature request. Keep in mind we’ll be discontinuing 10.6 support after Vuo 1.0.0.)

Discussed with @pbourke; this node will only support Mac OS 10.7 and later.  

How is the Status about this Feature?

For each new release, Team Vuo chooses and tries to include a top-voted feature request. This feature request will be open for voting until it’s chosen from the top for an upcoming release. For details on how it works, here’s the Feature Request Policy.

This will be included in the upcoming Vuo 1.1 release.

In Vuo 1.1, we added the Capture Image of Screen node.