Change Speed with range.


Vuo beginner question, how do I put a range limit on Change Speed.

I want to freely rotate and object form -180. to 180 with degrees with Change Speed node,
but once Change Speed reaches its outer limits (-180 and 180) it stops and waits for a counter speed value.


Maybe connect Change Speed to a Wave node that will go from -180 to 180?

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Thanks for the tip

but I need some logic to make Change Speed stop after it reaches its min / max points ? No?

I want a linear range from -180 to 180 not a loop.

180-180.vuo (2.37 KB)

I misunderstood the original question: you want it to stop, right? If yes, then the Wave is not the solution…

Yes, I want it to stop.

Hey, @VT1. I’m not quite sure what you’re asking, but maybe the Limit to Range or Curve node would help. Or if not, could you give more explanation or a sketch of what you’re trying to do?

Hi, I’ll try to explain whit Limit To Range as one option.

Limit To Range works for the output value, but Change Speed continues to run beyond the set limits.

So, let´s say I start with a +4 speed on Change Speed "counting"up to 180. The Limit to Range node limits the output value at 180 but
the internal Change Speed value goes beyond the set limit of 180. How can I limit the internal value of Change Speed?


Change Speed180-180limit.vuo (2.4 KB)

Maybe using Count to Range instead of Change Speed would do what you want — see attached.

CountWithinRangeRotate.vuo (2.64 KB)