click and drag 2D points to define a rectangle

I was wondering if anyone could suggest a good approach or a good sample comp for this. The aim would be to have something like upper left / lower right handles for defining a rectangle which will be a partially transparent color rectangle overlaying some other images. Thanks for any suggestions.

Hi King,
Maybe I misread your question, you simply want to adjust a quad layer with 2 handles (see attached comp), or you want to create the quad only after clicking ?  

Quand Layer With (1.64 MB)


Thanks so much for this. It’s very useful to me. In my attempt I had many of the same pieces but was missing some and fumbling around with trying to figure out how to make it work. Your sample clarifies some important things and will help me build what I’m trying to make. I also recently downloaded your “Hearing Range Test” which gave me some clues for using Vuo to create some basic UI elements. I really appreciate people sharing comps and I hope to one day contribute some useful one’s myself : ) Thanks again.