"Coming in Next Release" section on VUO website???

I realize not all of the “Chosen to be Implemented” features have an exact schedule for which release they will arrive in but I was wondering once you know for sure which features are coming in the next release could they be added to a “Coming Soon…” or “Coming in Next Release” section under the Released tab? We’re alway happy with surprise features being snuck in too but I often find myself scouring the Feature Request list to see if there is a solution coming solve a problem I’m running into. Then if it’s not there I know I need to go vote on something. :)

On https://vuo.org/feature-request, if you go to the All tab and choose “Chosen to be implemented” for Status, that gives you a list of all chosen feature requests. (Though I’m not sure if you’re asking for that list or for it to be further broken down by release.)

Yes the “Chosen to be implemented” Status is great and appreciated information!

I was thinking though that some of those features are much longer term projects and that a short list just to identify which of those items are planned for the next immediate release would be helpful, both for current users and potential users. I understand that sometimes it may not be clear whether a feature will be ready in time for an upcoming release but that the list just shows the features that are pretty much a sure thing. I’m sure everyone still like the occasional surprise slipped into the next releases too. :)

We’ll keep that idea in mind and see if more people ask for it. I see how it could potentially be helpful, but it would require some additional bookkeeping and discussion.