Compare Lists

How do I compare two lists of text to see the difference in entries? Specifically, I need to make a tool that alerts me when NDI sources drop off my production network(70+ sources) and identifies which item is no longer in the list.
Can anyone suggest a way to achieve this?

Probably several ways to achieve this.
I guess with stock nodes one can cycle through both lists and feed a compare node ?
Although with stock nodes there might be some work getting the indexes ?

But I tried to make a little custom node that does this (install the node in your Vuo User Folder, or have it in a `Modules" folder alongside your composition (like for the joined composition below) (will be embedded if exported as a standalone app)).

I don’t know anything about NDI, maybe if you uploaded a screenshot or the composition it might help (although I don’t have NDI hardware), but joined below is the node with some compositions, one compares 2 text lists, outputs index lists for items that matched, as well as those who did not match, and outputs the values that matched.

Also a beta composition to directly compare NDI sources (from the start where they all work, to later when some don’t?). But I can’t test it.

I don’t know if missing NDI sources output a different text, or an empty text, if empty, it may need some extra work ?

Hope this helps.

PS : the custom node is still kinda experimental, it need both lists to have the same amount of items to output correct data (thus the question about empty text or not).


NDI Compare with Custom Node (5.58 KB)

I don’t really know how those NDI nodes work but when you say “when one drops off”, instead of comparing, would there be a direct method to check for sources that drop off using this node : Block Empty List Values ? Because I’ve just added an “Unpopulated Indexes” output list to it.  

Here’s a rudimentary solution using stock nodes that reports the first mismatch.

FindFirstMismatchInLists.vuo (7.73 KB)

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