Composition preferences

Would be really useful to be able to read/write simple text (txt) file to save and read preferences at startup of a composition.

Hi @volkerku

@Khenkel released some nodes, including one to open text files. You can download them here :

Concerning preferences at startup, if I understand you well, you might be interested in this feature request “A UI for storing and editing published input port values in exported apps” by @ddelcourt

You can vote for it here :

If I’m right that feature request is about the same thing.

PS : Sorry I cannot get to add page links using markdowns you must copy-past them in your browser.


There’s also a feature request for structured data, which would be another good way to save/read preferences.

@bodysoulspirit: Here’s an introduction to Markdown. To make a link, use square brackets followed by parentheses, like this: [link text](http://thelink)

@smokris yeah thanks I had tried to use links with brackets as mentioned in the markdown introduction but for some reasons the thread preview would not show it correctly.

Perhaps previews don’t show the link or I may have done something wrong, will try again thanks

Thanks I will definitely check the nodes recommended, the text read node might just do it. From a CSV type text file one should be able to generate a list with values for preferences (text.split).
Structured data node request goes further and probably needs more time to implement. I did vote for this one.
cheers, v.