Concatenate Layers

A node that is similar to Arrange Layers in Grid however differs by simply grouping all layers together as close as possible.

Node could allow choice as to concatenate layers vertically, or horizontally, and also how they are aligned: top, bottom or center.

This would be great to easily create UI elements and controls grouped together that are different sizes or lengths. Think of having a Play button next to a Time Slider UI. The Time Slider will be long yet the same height as the play button.

By grouping these together it would make UI design simple and easy to change onthefly, or while a program is running.

I’ll go ahead and mark this “chosen”, since we’re already planning to add Arrange Layers in Row and Arrange Layers in Column nodes in Vuo 1.3. Agreed that it would make it easier to lay out UI widgets.

I like this! Psychic feature requests!

Arrange Layers in Row and Arrange Layers in Column nodes added in Vuo 1.2.4.