Copying multiple nodes disconnects cable connections from selected nodes that are offscreen

Steps causing the bug to occur

[Original title: Copying multiple nodes (16) disconnects cable connections from last few nodes]

  1. Create a composition with multiple interconnected nodes (waterfall connected): 1->2->3->4…n+1
  2. Make sure there are more than 8 (8 - 16 nodes connected to each other)
  3. Now copy all of them and paste (either with mouse or keyboard)
  4. Almost 8 nodes disconnect from interconnection at the end

How did the result differ from what you expected?

I expected the nodes in the editor to be able to be copied without disconnecting cables.

Have you found a workaround?

you have to manually reconnect cables

Other notes

  • Vuo version: 1.2.1
  • macOS version: OS X 10.9

Find screen shot attached. Note that composition is not working as its an example of issue. Name of comp is unrelated- simply testing some audio stuff.

alcomposer.audioChainTest.vuo (20.7 KB)

Screen Shot 2016-02-10 at 3.31.30 pm.png

@alexmitchellmus, we haven’t been able to reproduce this. Could you provide more details about how exactly you’re copying and pasting these nodes? A screen capture video might help.

Hi @jstrecker, I have been able to narrow it down to copying nodes with the mouse by pressing LMB and Option. Furthermore I have found that this works fine when the composition fits within the screen, yet when you make the composition normal size (large nodes) and select the nodes with mouse, using Option + LMB to copy (then pressing paste) yields missing cables.

Check out the video attached, and do watch till end- as the first is working example.

Thanks for the additional info and screen capture! Now I see exactly what you mean. I’ve updated the title of the bug report. We’ll look into this.

@alexmitchellmus ah damn ! Just saw your video and thought “oh my god is there some secret keyboard shortcut to copy nodes with their upcoming cables” like requested here Optionally preserve incoming cable connections when duplicating a node until I realized you were in a sub composition ;)

What you mean with LMD + option ? Just the option key is enough or am I missing smtg ? What is LMD ? You mean CMD ?

LMB = left mouse button. I try to be as clear as possible with bug reports- never know how they can help! One of my first reports turned out not to be a bug- but something I described in the process was! :-)

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@alexmitchellmus ;) ah yeah you wrote LMB not LMD ! Sorry, I misread the thing ;)


Fixed in Vuo 1.2.4.