Could you explain feedback loops in Vuo?

I was trying to review some older compositions that use feedback loops in Vuo, and with them not restoring, I am having some trouble setting up new ones.

Can you explain the concept of feedback loops in Vuo, and the reasoning of how it works and what nodes are needed? It would help in making new setups from scratch, just understanding the logic of what patches to add and what each step does.

I was trying to review some older compositions that use feedback loops in Vuo, and with them not restoring, I am having some trouble setting up new ones.

To streamline Vuo 1.0.0, we removed the old upgrade paths. You should be able to open your old compositions in Vuo 0.9.0, save them, then open them in Vuo 1.0.0.

Can you explain the concept of feedback loops in Vuo, and the reasoning of how it works and what nodes are needed? It would help in making new setups from scratch, just understanding the logic of what patches to add and what each step does.

The Hold Value (or Hold List) node is the key. Connect the feedback cable into the New Value port, and connect a (non-feedback) event source to the refresh port.

Check out the "Show Live Audio Trail " example composition (loosely inspired by the cat composition you posted in the QC Facebook Group a couple months ago), or the Feedback Stripes gallery composition. There’s also a tutorial video on feedback.