crash receiving osc

Steps causing the bug to occur

  1. load the composition
  2. send osc
  3. crash

How did the result differ from what you expected?

shouldn’t crash.

When did you first notice this bug?

happens always as soon as osc begin be streamed

Have you found a workaround?


Other notes

  • Vuo version: 0.8.0
  • macOS version: OS X 10.8

osc are in pixel units. Each /skeleton/0/3 message is followed by a couple of integers - pixel units.

check testa.vuo (4.18 KB)

crash.rtf (48.9 KB)

Thanks for the report, @cremaschi. We’ve already found and fixed a few OSC-related crashes for the upcoming Vuo 0.9.0 release.

Which software are you using to send these OSC messages? (From the crash report you sent, it looks like it might be sending corrupt messages.)

Hi, it’s a custom software called ofxKinect2ProjectorCalibration.
Quartz Composer qcOSC receiver does not crash, but does not receive anything.
Osculator receives - so i use this as a bridge.

Could be that the problem is due to the fact osc values are 0…1280 ?

I don’t think that would be the problem; I’ve tested Vuo’s OSC receiver with full 32-bit and 64-bit integer values, and 32-bit floats.

Could you try receiving ofxKinect2ProjectorCalibration’s data with OSC Monitor or another OSC logging app, and paste the output (or a screenshot) here? (It would be helpful to see the exact data format.)

Hi, at the moment I can’t use that setup, but I’ll surely do the test as soon as possible.

Thanks. Please also try it with Vuo 0.9.0; there’s a chance it might fix the problem, or at least provide more information (it now outputs some info in when it receives OSC messages it doesn’t understand).

We haven’t heard back; I’m tentatively marking this bug report resolved.

sorry, i had no chanche to test again that setting. as soon as i will i’ll try for sure to recreate it and report back to you.