csv issues : don't find the good setup...

I am a QC user who hesitate to switch to Vuo.
I use QC basically to make sports scorers, scrollers etc etc
So far, I’m trying to see if my previous projects are feasible with Vuo and I’m trying to understand the logic, (sometimes with difficulty) but I’m starting to understand some things … unfortunately not all of them. (Why, nothing happens when I change, live, a patch value … and what to do to get there grrrr;) )

among other things, the csv format:
I can not generate an interpretable csv file correctly by Vuo, from excel (2016 for mac, or even from a pc version) (I have not tried open office yet …). Currently, everything is saved with a “;” while I request a record with “,” as a separator.
I only see one column even if my csv file has 5.

How do you generate csv files from spreadsheets?

It is absolutely necessary, in my case, that the export csv be directly produced by excel (or a spreadsheet), and that I do not have to re-edit with text wrangler or textedit … (I save in the spreadsheet, and it must appear directly in Vuo)

Is there a solution for vuo to interpret “;” rather than “,” as separator ???

Thank you in advance for your answer,

Hi and welcome @tazinnuedo ;)

I don’t really understand what you’re trying to do from Vuo and what not, what is done in Office or not if you’re trying to read CSV into Vuo or export them using Vuo.
Here joined are 2 compositions in the .zip file, one simply reads a “Comma” separated CSV, the second one turns a “Semi-Column” separated CSV into a “Comma” separated CSV Vuo can parse as a sheet.

Live coding in Vuo is planned, for now, you either have to press the cmd keyboard + click on the node’s input port, or use incoming cables with an refresh rate that renews (f.e. every second). In the sample compositions the whole node chains is updated 1x / second.
Once you’re done live coding, remove the extra un-needed events (here the Allow Periodic Events node to optimize the composition.

PS, you can click on node ports to see information. Other tips are watch the Getting Started Video or some other tutorials and give the manual a read, it’s really helpful, and it’s explained how nodes are updated / refreshed ;)

Hope this helps already

PS2 : what do you mean by scrollers ?


Read CSV.zip (4.05 KB)

Thank you for your reply.
I think I understood the method to solve my problem of “;”. I had begun to dig this approach. (replacing “;” by “,”) but i have not the "table from text " reflex yet. :D

Regarding, the live coding, OK.

Regarding what I expect from Vuo …
retrieve tables from a spreadsheet, containing list of names already sorted (via a number, for example: all the names associated with the number “1” are in the form of a table. I export this one in csv and that I display directly in vuo.
or scrolling (curve patch) down the list vertically at a given speed. (depends of what i have decided in amount of project)
and to be even more reactive, display in a first window of control and control “interactive” (via buttons or clickable areas) of Vuo, these data. And displaying in a second Vuo window the data that has just been clicked.

Basically, I create an interface for controlling and driving data (names) in a first Vuo window. These will appear in a second window Vuo broadcast live. the csv file serves me as a database.

cherry on the cake: remote via osc

watch a sport on TV, and all the registrations made (score, substitutions, faults, credits etc etc) what I want to reproduce …
I have already achieve this with QC … but I find myself now limited by the compatibility of certain patches with OS or hardware … (for example “Climb window” patch no longer works on my MBPR 2015 with a radeon GPU … or I have lag problems on some animations … the composition being heavy or greedy resources …)

if the subject seems interesting to you, let’s talk about it. ;)

i’m sorry if my explanations are flood, and for my bad english…


Mmm. A list of clickable items you wanna scroll.
Here joined is a basic mockup / skeleton that can maybe already help.
A first windows displays the items of the first column, not scrollable with the mouse, but with up / down arrow keys.
And you hit the “return” keyboard key to display the values of the row corresponding to the selected column item on the second window.

A list of clickable & mouse scrollable items I let other answer if they know an easy method, not saying it’s not possible, but perhaps a bit above my skills. Plus it’s some more work, sounds like a whole program ;)

Maybe link or join some mockups / screenshots / QC files / videos of your ideas and in QC accomplished things, may help others to grasp the idea more.

PS: are you French ? François sounds like a French name, I speak French too.

Read CSV 1.1.zip (12.2 KB)

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I took a look very quickly this afternoon, It looks great!
I will take some screenshots, or videos, about my QC compositions, for you to have an idea… soon, I hope!

Yes I’m french…
I can write in french,(easier for me, not really for people who want to follow the thread and for my English learning too…) but I think most people here would read in English… Even if their eyes are crying… Lol
(sorry I do my best… I try…)

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Here is a video capture of a QC composition in action.
I hope it will be understandable

most of my compositions work in a similar way …
several modes (here scrolling text / synth, in a composition of scoreboarding, mode chrono / substitutions / faults etc etc)
piloted either via virtual buttons like here, or in osc or midi.

this composition being one of the most complex that I could realize, I think …

you will notice that the composition keeps in memory, the names that have already been clicked … (to be optimized)
that the scrolling speed is independent of the length of the text but remains modifiable.(with arrow keys)

feasible or not according to you with vuo?

looking forward to reading you.



Using Vuo’s Make Button node, which fires an event when it is clicked, could create a result closer to the scrollable/clickable interface you are seeking. You would have to change several nodes in Bodysoulspirit’s demonstration composition to implement a column of buttons. Instead of creating a list of text layers, you would need to create a list of texts that would become action button labels. I’ve attached a Vuo 2.0 beta composition that demonstrates that. As to scrolling text, there is a Vuo composition in the node gallery, Scrolling text with motion blur, that you might find helpful.

action-button-column.vuo (13.3 KB)