Deploy compositions as FFGL plugins

Use Vuo compositions in FFGL hosts such as Resolume and Isadora.

Since Resolume does not want to reach out to a mac only language, FFGL would be the perfect bridge to Resolume… Hope this will be part of Vou quite soon!

Yes using this in Resolume - Arena would be great - having so many more “useful” content from VUO would be amazing for our Live Full Dome work.

Thanks Darren

Just wanted to note that FFGL plugs will run in VDMX as well. So there’s definitely a market out there for this plugin format. Good to see more votes have been submitted, and is steadily climbing.

Yes, very useful!

Resolume user base is (comparatively) huge, and there isn’t really any good way to develop plugins for it besides writing them in something like Xcode. I’m definitively interested in this! Being able to transfer compositions from my struggeling mac over to the PC would be huge!

This ended up being relatively quick to implement, once the structure for Deploy compositions as FxPlug plugins was in place. Considering the many many votes for this feature request, we’ve gone ahead and chosen it to be included in the next major release.

Just to be clear, FFGL plugins exported from Vuo will only work on macOS, not Windows.


That’s great. But Mac only is very sad indeed. Please make a solution to create windows dlls too

We would like to once Deploy compositions to Windows is implemented.

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we’ve gone ahead and chosen it to be included in the next major release.

This makes me happy! :)

FFGL plugins exported from Vuo will only work on macOS, not Windows.

This makes me sad :( (but I understand it/why)

I guess it will be good to play around with the possibilities and efficiency on lower specc’ed systems before it goes on to the big rigs though when that time comes.

Nevertheless, great job as always!

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would this include saving FFGL plugins in uncompiled source code form ?

@sandrobilbeisi, the only source code form will be the Vuo composition. When exporting the plugin, it goes straight from Vuo composition to compiled plugin, no C++ in between.

Just a note to point out that Resolume 7 has been released and that it needs FFGL 2.0 plugins. I hope the vuo devs are aware of this, ideally i’d like to output both FFGL1.5 and FFGL2.0 plugins from vuo as this maximises compatibility across hosts. :)

@sleepytom, thanks for the tip. We did see the FFGL changes and have updated Vuo’s plugin export to work with Resolume 7 while still also working with FFGL 1.6 hosts such as Resolume 6.

Mac only is a massive downside here. Is vuo-wide windows composition export really the only solution here? That sounds like a 20 year endeavour at this point.