Distributed offline renderer

Enable either Vuo editor or Vuo command line tools to be able to render on distributed computer networks. To start this feature possibly begin with allowing a “render frame range” value for command line render. Obviously composition that use random generators could be problematic - however a further feature could be added in future which allows random values to be “baked” into composition. Thus each playback of randomality could be controlled. (Maybe a Boolean on the random nodes: bake)

I’ve opened this feature request for community voting, and added a tentative plan above.

composition that use random generators

The Make Random Value and Make Random List nodes have alternate versions with Seed inputs, for situations where you need to be able to repeat the same sequence of values.

This feature may also be important for rendering material that does not use all system resources, but would be able to use more resources by distributing jobs on the same machine. Compositions that have processes that are intensive- but don’t use multiple cores comes to mind. (they do exist!)

Also worth noting that any compositions which keep an internal state from frame to frame (e.g. via a Hold Value/List feedback loop) might not be parallelizable in this fashion.

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