Don't push updated comments in RSS feed / Emails

Not sure if I should submit this as a feature request, a bug or a discussion.

Nor if it is possible. Don’t know what would be really better but I quite often update a comment with a typo in it f.e. and it pushes a new comment in the RSS feed (not sure if it resends the email to the post owner).

I understand some radically updated comments could be notificated but nor do I wan’t to annoy people with fake new comments, nor do I like typos in my comments and try to write some clean english …

Same for Post (beside comments) ?

What could we have ? What would be better?

When you edit a post or comment, the website doesn’t put out a new item on the RSS feed or send an email.

Previously, there was a strange behavior in the RSS feed that could make it look like a new item was added. When a comment was edited, it could end up in a different position in the list of RSS items. In looking into your question, we realized this was a problem. It should be fixed now.

Btw, there is a nice new preview button in the toolbar, the eyeball button. It previews without having to reload the page.



I created that answer yesterday → Answer link on the redesign topic

and modified it today by adding 1 sentence and got a new RSS answer for it just now.  

Thanks for pointing that out! Having that example to look at, we realized there was a bug in our web framework. We patched the site, so it should actually be fixed now.

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