Draw in Space

Use the mouse to draw, then rotate the scene with the camera.

Uses @khenkel’s Parabox node set.

DrawInSpace.vuo (26.8 KB)

Screen Shot 2018-05-21 at 7.55.12 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-05-21 at 7.56.27 PM.png


Really cool @jersmi !!

Thanks, @Bodysoulspirit!

Now for part 2, still not sure how to go about this – I want to continuously rotate the drawing away from the viewer plane when not drawing, then sync the mouse to the viewer/drawing while drawing (2D).

Backstory: here’s the thread discussing the QC comp this is modeled on (with some really great javascript @cwright put together for the QC comp). It was a very effective piece of work for live interactive video performance. I used to set it up with a hacked ps3 eye game camera (now $7.86 at Walmart!) tracking a battery powered infrared light in a ping pong ball. (The cv tracking was actually done in a Max/MSP/Jitter patch, but that’s another story). Not sure what technology I’d try now to do this.  

Here’s the latest version – mission accomplished, this comp draws on screen while the scene continuously rotates (with control of the camera independently). Also includes a bit of “Z randomization” for visual interest.  

DrawInRotatingSpace.vuo (25.4 KB)