Editable Value fields on Editor canvas to increase in scale when view is zoomed in beyond actual size.

Sometimes I zoom in to read the small expressions in Calculate nodes, especially at night time. While the expression in the canvas is enlarged as you zoom in (but truncated), if you double click the field to edit it, the text is still the small size as per an “actual size” zoom magnification. SO it’s still hard to read on a big screen for me at night a fair distance from my eyes.

As illustrated below.
Screen Shot 2018-10-21 at 11.12.25 pm.png

Yes, it would definitely be better if input editors and port popovers scaled along with the canvas. Opened for voting.

Meanwhile, some possible workarounds:

  • Reduce the screen resolution to make everything bigger (System Preferences > Displays > Resolution: Scaled).
  • Use macOS’s built-in zoom feature (System Preferences > Accessibility > Zoom).

macOS zoom is a good workaround I hadn’t thought of, @jstrecker

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