Example: Flat image map to planetarium dome view

A small test of a flat image mapped to the new (Vuo 1.2) "Make Fisheye Camera node.

Note that the node acts as a shader (it is a vertex shader) so to use attach it to the object list in the render pipeline.

Also note that we are using a “Make 3D Square” mesh- with (in this example) 100 rows & columns. Without this the image would not ‘warp’ to the 180º camera- as there are not enough vertices to distort. We are also using “Shade with Unlit Image” so that there is no lighting effects displayed during render. This allows a clean image to be warped onto the dome render.


Vuo 1.2 only.

DomeCameraTest.vuo (5.84 KB)

Screen Shot 2015-07-14 at 7.30.38 pm.png