Expand Floating info Pallets

Currently we are able to click on ports to get info pallets, (and once clicked again remain on-screen).

I would like to be able to expand the view of these pallets to see more data contents, (if available).

Alternatively contents could be shown in a scrolling window within the pallet.

Attached image using an example composition (simply as a quick example with arrows)

Hey Alex, your idea is quite the same as Scrollable Port Popups could be merged, I like the idea to resize the info screens too beside scroll ;)

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Didn’t notice that request.

Yes scrollable and also condense the info in less verbose and white-space hungry way if at all possible without losing important info. I don’t need all the details just to recognise which elements are where in a list, i.e. has the previous node done what it was supposed to.

Merged with feature request Scrollable Port Popups.