Extend "Make Noise Image" to support multiple noise levels, tiling, spherical mapping, and Voronoi noise

[Texture Node Set]

One of my favourite Kineme plugins was Texture Tools. I would love to get my hands on an updated version of this for Vuo.

It was FANTASTIC how you could create Lat-Long textures, of high quality.

I believe that it was using the libnoiseframework:

I wonder if that is still being developed or if there is an updated replacement?

Can you elaborate on what specifically of the Texture Plugin you’re looking for?

Much of it already has equivalents in Vuo — Make Noise Image, Blend Images, Make Radial Gradient Image, Adjust Image Colors, etc.

Yes, the Kineme plugin was using libnoise. Unfortunately, libnoise hasn’t been updated since 2007, and it’s CPU-only (slower than Vuo’s nodes, which use the GPU).

What do you have in mind for lat-long images, beyond Render scenes to equirectangular panoramas and cube maps? Are you thinking every image generator would have the option to output as lat-long, and every image filter would be able to handle both regular and lat-long images?

I think that once Vuo gets an integrated lat-log camera view that there would be versions of existing effects specifically for lat-long mapping.

To be clear, that wouldn’t happen automatically as a result of Render scenes to equirectangular panoramas and cube maps. Each node that generates an image and filters an image (other than non-spatial effects such as color) would have to have an additional mode implemented in which it would input/output lat-long images. This would mean implementing a different version of the GLSL code for these nodes.

That sounds like enough to be a feature request of its own.

I am also interested in textures such as: wood, rock, Perlin, veroni, clouds

Perlin you can already do with Make Noise Image, though the “levels”, “octaves”, and “lacunarity” ports from the corresponding Kineme node aren’t yet implemented.

Adding that and the other textures you mentioned would be a fairly self-contained feature request, and significantly less development time than the lat-long effects.

I’ll leave it to you to split off one or the other of the above as a separate feature request.

Possibly the node could function like make paranetric mesh in that you could enter various maths to generate textures?

Which node?

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In libnoise you can output:

  • texture
  • seamless
  • equirectangular

The idea is that you may need to wrap the equirectangular tile onto a sphere. (Which is always cool) or a seamless tile onto a large quad or object. So the node would have 3 modes.

I am also interested in textures such as:

  • wood
  • rock
  • Perlin
  • Voronoi
  • clouds

I think that this is all going to happen in GPU nowadays. But the feature request is specifically about outputting equirectangular textures as well. (Which would mean that the texture is drawn from with spherical coordinates)

In regard to lat-long effects: they are very special- as blurring needs to be done very specifically. (More blur at poles less in centre). I think that once Vuo gets an integrated lat-log camera view that there would be versions of existing effects specifically for lat-long mapping. Also some effects would be impossible to translate into Lat-long environment! Such as: bad-tv-style noise effects, horizontal parallax shifting effects. I think it has to be on a per-effect basis. (Simple colour effects doesn’t need anything)

(I use lat-long- equirectangular interchangeably- just so hard to write out the latter every time!)

Also having such textures on GPU would mean super exciting texture animation!

Possibly the node could function like make paranetric mesh in that you could enter various maths to generate textures?

Adjusted title and opened for voting.

This would mean implementing a different version of the GLSL code for these nodes.

@jstrecker correct. Exactly, I don’t think effects will translate without re-working specifically for spherical/lat-long/equirectangular (all the same). My language was actually agreeing with the concept that “once” we had a Spherical camera “then” one would need to think about customising effects, not that they magically happen. I know unfortunately nothing happens on the computer by magic (well- I suppose there is a bit of magic!) I only mentioned the effects for Lat-Long as you asked me:

What do you have in mind for lat-long images, beyond Render scenes to equirectangular panoramas and cube maps?

To answer:

Which node?

This node (shader.make.texture) Or whatever the name is chosen if implemented.

I also found this remarkable paper which contains lots of MIT based texture code:

Placing it here for my own reference and others.

Yes I will make a spherical image filter FR.

Also here is an example of the current vuo.image.make.noise node. (Even mirroring texture doesn’t make it seamless as it looks mirrored then) There is no way I know of to make it seamless. Please let me know if there is as I would love to use this feature! :-)


Voronoi Noise:
Perlin Noise

This is an example of a spherical map - mapped from Lat-Long to sphere, link: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Maruti-Textures-Dark-Moon-Sphere-Texture-Full-Perm/1615231?id=1615231&slug=Maruti-Textures-Dark-Moon-Sphere-Texture-Full-Perm

Is this clearer?:-)  

In Conclusion:

This Request is for:

  • GLSL based texture generator node
  • Either render images or provided shader output

Output should:

  • Wrap
  • Spherical Wrap
  • No Wrap

Texture seeds may include:

  • Voronoi
  • Perlin

Would be nice if you could change different texture variables to animate texture.

In Vuo 1.2.4, we added a bunch more options to the Make Noise Image node, and a Make Spherical Noise Image node.

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This went by me without noticing it at first, but it’s super cool.

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