Extend "Make Noise Image" to support multiple noise levels, tiling, spherical mapping, and Voronoi noise

I think that once Vuo gets an integrated lat-log camera view that there would be versions of existing effects specifically for lat-long mapping.

To be clear, that wouldn’t happen automatically as a result of Render scenes to equirectangular panoramas and cube maps. Each node that generates an image and filters an image (other than non-spatial effects such as color) would have to have an additional mode implemented in which it would input/output lat-long images. This would mean implementing a different version of the GLSL code for these nodes.

That sounds like enough to be a feature request of its own.

I am also interested in textures such as: wood, rock, Perlin, veroni, clouds

Perlin you can already do with Make Noise Image, though the “levels”, “octaves”, and “lacunarity” ports from the corresponding Kineme node aren’t yet implemented.

Adding that and the other textures you mentioned would be a fairly self-contained feature request, and significantly less development time than the lat-long effects.

I’ll leave it to you to split off one or the other of the above as a separate feature request.

Possibly the node could function like make paranetric mesh in that you could enter various maths to generate textures?

Which node?

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