Fullscreen in OSX 10.11 El Capitan

Steps causing the bug to occur


Love the way we can go fullscreen from Composition Windows / Applications using the OS X built-in green window button beside the cmd-f Vuo function.
Hope you guys won’t block that possibility !

However, I’ve noticed some stuff regarding that.
Going fullscreen using OSX’s function doesn’t support the “Set Window Aspect Ratio” as it supports cmd-f.
Not that I think aspect ratio looks great when in fullscreen (black borders on the screen sizes, beurk ;)) but I can imagine one would need that.

So my thoughts about that is that to be the broadest possible to satisfy all users, Vuo could act this way.

  • By default, allow Windows to go fullscreen, either with cmd-f or with the green maximise button. Compositions will stretch to the screen sizes (like it does it now using the Vuo 1.2 alpha3 in 10.11 EC).

  • However, if a user would like not to stretch the composition, he could use the “Set aspect ratio” node that should work for both cmd-f and green button fullscreens.

  • At last, the “Allow Fullscreen” node set to Untrue" should block both the fullscreen options (cmd-f and green button).

However, these are my thoughts on how to satisfy most users, perhaps the Vuo team has already some other ideas regarding that and I’d be happy to hear them ! Perhaps you planned to remove the Vuo cmd-f function and get use of OSX’s function only ? But that would mean there would be a different fullscreen support for OS X < 10.10 (that had no green fullscreen button) ?

How did the result differ from what you expected?


Other notes

  • Vuo version: 1.1.1
  • macOS version: OS X 10.11

Should we already report some bug reports for 1.2 alpha 3 running on 10.11 El Capitan if we find some ?

Or is 1.2 mend to fully support 10.10 Yosemite and 10.11 partially (and 1.3 would fully support 10.11) ?

Should we already report some bug reports for 1.2 alpha 3 running on 10.11 El Capitan if we find some ?

Yes, please! For bug reports on alpha versions, we prefer if you contact us directly instead of using Bug Reports - Vuo Community, so as not to confuse people who are on the non-alpha versions.

Love the way we can go fullscreen from Composition Windows / Applications using the OS X built-in green window button beside the cmd-f Vuo function. Hope you guys won’t block that possibility !

Ha. Actually, we already blocked that possibility, since Mac OS X 10.7+'s built-in fullscreen behavior prevents multiple windows from being fullscreen simultaneously on different screens.

Mac OS X 10.11 now actually ignores the developer’s preference to disable the built-in fullscreen behavior.

So we need to support both the built-in fullscreen behavior (since they’ve left us no choice) and Vuo’s custom fullscreen behavior (in order to support multiple screens). I’ve converted this discussion to a bug report, to cover the aspect ratio issue.

At last, the “Allow Fullscreen” node set to Untrue" should block both the fullscreen options (cmd-f and green button).

Could you create a feature request for adding such a node?


Ok got it.

I’ll make a feature request too.


@smokris, euh, I don’t get something. Is it possible or not to block fullscreen in 10.11 ? If not, you mean I should make a feature request to block Vuo’s cmd-f fullscreen option ?

Or do you mean that as soon as the Vuo Team enables fullscreen in 10.11 you have to support the built-in way too ?


Is it possible or not to block fullscreen in 10.11 ?

I found an undocumented workaround to disable the built-in fullscreen behavior, so, on 10.11+, we could use that workaround to implement your proposed Allow Fullscreen node.


Ok. I will make that feature request. Yeah, hope you don’t code block that feature for all vuo compositions back.


Fixed in Vuo 1.2.0 — Vuo now handles OS X’s built-in fullscreen mode decently.