How to build a node using Xcode?

Hello, all. I like VUO!)

Can I build a node with Xcode?

I typed qmake -spec macx-xcode at “” and got this error:
WARNING: Unable to generate output for: .....project.pbxproj [TEMPLATE aux]

osx 10.9.5 xcode 5.1.1, qt 5.3.1

Hi, @alexey_roudenko.

Vuo doesn’t yet have a template for building nodes using Xcode. (Though qmake partially supports generating Xcode projects, it doesn’t support the custom compiler that Vuo uses.)

For now, I suggest either using Qt Creator, or just opening the C source file in a text editor of your choice (could be Sublime Text, TextMate, Xcode, …) and compiling it from the command line (qmake ; make).

You may also be able to create an Xcode project from scratch, if you configure it to use Vuo’s custom compiler (just look at the output of qmake; make; those are all the commands you need to run to compile and install the node.

In the future we plan to make it easier to build plugins using Xcode.