How to make copies of an object in a grid formation along the X,Y,Z axes, possibly with noise/variation?

Azy’s example is neat :) Before I saw that post, I was working on some other examples, so I’ll go ahead and post them.

Simplest, least flexible: GridOfCubes-arrange.vuo — Spread List Items -> Arrange 3D Objects in Grid, with slices=5 meaning that there are 5 “rows” in the z direction

Can adjust cube positions: GridOfCubes-copy.vuo — Feeds Make Parametric Grid Points and Make Points Along Curve into Copy 3D Object : Translations. You could vary the positions by feeding in different points, e.g. using the Time port and some math in Make Parametric Grid Points. You could also feed points into Rotations and Scales.

Can change individual shapes: GridOfCubes-list.vuo — Uses Build List to build up the shapes. I have it randomly picking between cube and sphere (1/9 chance of a sphere). You could also pick based on the index, so that e.g. the center shape is always a sphere.

For animating with continuity, see Azy’s composition and also Magneson’s points-moving-around composition on Last one today (promise), to completely ruin your weekend..

Do you remember the qc developer composition that was a mass of repeated cubes, in a big cube formation?

Nope, but I’d like to see a link/video if you know of one.

How would you think is the best way to approach something that looks like this, in Vuo? Building Loop on Vimeo

Hm, maybe that’s a separate question or discussion? I’d like to know how you made it for the video.

GridOfCubes-arrange.vuo (3.09 KB)

GridOfCubes-copy.vuo (4.65 KB)

GridOfCubes-list.vuo (4.42 KB)