Improvements to Find feature

Working on a large Vuo composition, I find myself using, ahem, Find, a lot.

Currently, when Find shows a search result, it seems to pan the current document in way so that the word is on the screen somewhere (minimal amount of panning to show it?) This will often mean the result is in the corner of the screen.

Not sure if this is a behaviour macOS gives for free, but I’d much prefer if the result was always in the centre of the screen.

Especially with the very subtle highlighting, I find it sometimes hard to spot the result.

So part B) of this request is possible more obvious highlighting?

Part C) Would also be support for ESC to leave the Find mode.

We propose splitting this feature request into several smaller ones so that we can work on each independently:

Currently, when Find shows a search result, it seems to pan the current document in way so that the word is on the screen somewhere … I’d much prefer if the result was always in the centre of the screen.

Sounds like a good improvement. Could you create a separate feature request?

is possible more obvious highlighting?

Could you be more specific? In what ways do you think the highlighted nodes/cables need to be changed?

support for ESC to leave the Find mode.

Makes sense. In fact, it would be nice if the behavior of Esc in the canvas search (Find) were more consistent with Esc in the node library search. When the node library is visible and the canvas has focus, Esc hides the node library. When the node library search is focused, Esc clears the search text if any, or hides the node library otherwise. It would make sense for Esc to behave similarly in the canvas search. If that sounds good to you, please create a separate feature request.

We’re converting this to a discussion since it touches on multiple potential feature requests. Feel free to create feature requests for individual improvements as noted in the previous comment.